Exploring Your Symptoms: Is It Time To Visit A Gastroenterologist?

Have you been experiencing digestive problems, such as prolonged abdominal pain or acid reflux? If so, these symptoms may be a sign of a more serious problem that requires the attention of a gastroenterologist. In order to help determine whether your symptoms are nothing more than an upset stomach, or if it time to schedule an appointment with your doctor, be sure to take a moment to review the information below.

Symptoms: Prolonged acid reflux, sore throat, dry cough, unexplained weight loss

Possible Cause: GERD

GERD, otherwise known as gastroesophageal reflux disorder is a serious, yet treatable illness that is often confused with common heartburn. In many cases, over-the-counter acid reducers will do very little to ease the symptoms of this disorder, although they may provide temporary relief in the early stages. If you have experienced problems with prolonged acid reflux, as well as any of the other symptoms outlined above, it is important that you schedule an appointment with a gastroenterologist so that you can be properly diagnosed and begin treatment.

Symptoms: Blood in vomit, tarry or bloody stools, acid reflux

Possible Cause: Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

While many people confuse GERD and gastroesphageal reflux disease due to their similar names, the fact is, the two illnesses are quite different. While GERD is caused by overactive acid glands, gastroesphageal reflux disease is a per-cancerous condition that can become very serious if not treated in its earliest stages. For this reason, it is important for you to immediately schedule an appointment with a qualified gastroenterologist in your area if you have the combination of symptoms listed above.

Symptoms: Chronic diarrhea, unexplained weight loss, abdominal cramps or pain, bloody stool

Possible Cause Crohn's Disease

Crohn's disease is a very serious form of inflammatory bowel disease. This disease can cause inflammation throughout the entire digestive system from mouth to rectum. However, it is most common for Crohn's disease to attack the intestines. In many cases, this disease will require surgical treatment. If you experience any combination of the symptoms listed above for more than a few days at a time, it is best to find a gastroenterologist to enure you are properly diagnosed.

A Final Thought

While each symptom you have can be significant, it is often the combination of all your symptoms that will allow a gastroenterologist to ensure you are properly diagnosed. Therefore, it is extremely important that you are very thorough when providing information to your doctor about the symptoms you have been experiencing.
