When you go to a funeral, there are certain unsaid rules that everyone follows. These rules have been around forever, it seems, with few changes. Unfortunately, many of those rules do not help or comfort the deceased's family. At your next funeral, break these rules:
Wearing Black
You don't have to wear black to a funeral. You should dress nice to fit the occasion, but it's OK to add some color. It's actually a great idea to wear the deceased's favorite color. Too much black is depressing, and the day is sad enough.
Sending Flowers
Why do people send flowers to funerals? Flowers wilt and die. That is a terrible reminder to people who have lost a loved one. Instead, choose fake flowers that will last forever. Those flowers can be used in a memorial to help with the grieving process. If you knew the deceased well, you could even choose a gift that represents something the deceased loved very much.
Saying the Usual Cliches
"He's in a better place," "I'm sorry for your loss," and "it's what he would have wanted" are all cliches people use at funerals. Granted, most people aren't sure what to say at funerals so they grab at the usual sayings. Avoid these phrases. The loved ones will hear them enough and quickly grow to hate them.
Discussing Death
Conversations at funerals aren't easy. What do you talk about? For one thing, never talk about death. Never discuss the death of the deceased. It doesn't matter how he died. Loved ones will hear you discuss the death, and they don't want that reminder. Instead, keep the conversation to stories about his life. Memories are a comfort.
Remaining Solemn
Many people believe that you should remain solemn during a funeral. It is a sad time and not a time for rejoicing. This is a rule that you should definitely break. A funeral is a sad and difficult time. One of the best ways to deal with sadness is to laugh. Laughter helps you deal with difficult times and stress. It's OK to crack a joke at a funeral or tell a funny story about the deceased.
Forget old school rules and etiquette when at a funeral. There are some things you just shouldn't do at a funeral and these are some of them. Instead, make the loved ones laugh, bring color into the room, and tell fun stories. You'll make the day so much easier for them.
However, it will be inappropriate to cast aside all of these conventions at some funerals or funeral homes. Take care to contact the funeral home, such as Foster-Warne Funeral Home, so that you can be informed on the wishes of the deceased's family.