Benefits Of Using Medical Transcription Services

Medical practitioners had to rely on hard copy files containing a patient's medical history in the past. However, this meant that hospital staff would potentially decipher illegible notes incorrectly, resulting in severe medical errors. Fortunately, medical transcription (MT) assists in processing voice-recorded medical reports dictated by medical practitioners into text for filing. Here is what you should know about medical transcription services. Money-Saving  Hiring an in-house medical transcription team can be costly.

Early Colon Cancer Testing Can Save Your Life

Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in adults. In 2021, there were 104,270 new colon cancer cases in the United States. Risk factors for colon cancer include age, family history of colon or rectal cancer, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), smoking, diets high in red meats and low in fruits and vegetables, obesity, and exposure to certain pesticides, such as DDT, lindane, and dieldrin. Symptoms of colon cancer sometimes don't appear until the disease has become more advanced, and that's why it is referred to as a "

Surgical And Non-Surgical Treatments For Strabismus

If you or your child's eyes do not align properly, they have a condition known as strabismus. This condition can cause vision problems that will impact your or your child's quality of life. Therefore, you should correct the problem as soon as possible to achieve the best future results. Here is more to know about strabismus and when you or your child may need surgery. What Is Strabismus? Strabismus is a condition where both eyes are not aligned and don't work in unison.

Back To School? The Top Reasons Your Child May Need An Urgent Care Center

Did your child recently return to in-person classes? After months of cyber schooling, your student is finally back in class with their teachers and friends. Now that they're in school again, take a look at why you may need to visit the local urgent care center. Tests for Infectious Illnesses Does your child have a stuffy nose, sore throat, cough, fever, or other similar symptoms? While you may not have worried about what seems like a minor cold during pre-pandemic times, now you have concerns.

Worried About Your College Student's Alcohol Consumption? Here's What To Do

Drinking alcohol while attending college seems to be somewhat of a right of passage. However, while excessive drinking is never a good idea for various reasons, drinking heavily regularly can result in an alcohol addiction problem and lead to a substance abuse disorder and/or mental health illness. If your college student has recently started using alcohol excessively, you must have them evaluated by a behavioral health specialist before the situation gets worse.