Protect Your Dental Hygiene At Holiday Parties This Year

It's hard to maintain dental hygiene at the holidays. Between foods and drinks that stain and sugary foods like pies and candy, your teeth could be significantly damaged by the time the festivities have ended. Following these tips will help you get prepared for the holidays so you can protect your teeth and avoid problems with your oral hygiene. Buy the Right Travel Accessories Before you go to any holiday parties, plan to bring the right dental hygiene-related accessories.

4 Things Seniors Need To Know About Trichiasis

Your body changes in lots of ways as you get older. Some of these changes, like grey hair, are expected, while other changes, like trichiasis, can catch you by surprise. Trichiasis occurs when your eyelids turn inwards, which allows your eyelashes to poke and scrape the surface of your eyes. Here are four things you need to know about this painful condition. What causes trichiasis? Trichiasis occurs due to the effects of aging.

Tired Of Ugly Gums? The Solution Is Waiting For You

If you feel like your gums are starting to deteriorate and you feel like people can see it when you smile, it's time to schedule an appointment with a cosmetic dentist. There are many new advances in technology that can help you restore your gums, and improve your oral health at the same time. A cosmetic dentist isn't just a specialist in dental health, but also in making your smile as cosmetically appealing as it can be.

Athletes: Which Shoe Is Right For You?

Whether you're a marathon distance runner, a football player, or someone who just enjoys the occasional workout, the shoes you wear really do have an impact on your body and how you can get the most from exercising. According to the American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine, athletes should wear specific shoes for specific activities. Here are some examples of the right shoes you should be wearing, depending on what you're doing.

Important Facts About Using Hormone Therapy To Conceive When You Have PCOS

If you have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, also known as PCOS, and have experienced the common symptom of irregular menstruation, your doctor may have suggested using birth control pills to regulate your monthly cycle. Although effective for that purpose, taking birth control will make it understandably difficult to get pregnant. In general, if you are over the age of 35 and have been trying to conceive unsuccessfully for at least six months or are under that age and have been unable to get pregnant for a year or more, it is time to consult with your health care provider.