Smartphone And Bluetooth Technology Used To Improve The Lives Of The Hearing Impaired

One of the most overlooked issues in the world today is the increasing number of people experiencing some level of hearing impairment. According to the World Health Organization, more than 360 million people suffer from hearing loss at a disabling level. The number of people suffering from hearing loss is expected to grow as more people neglect to protect their hearing. Today, technology is being developed to make day to day living a little less of a struggle for those who suffer from hearing impairment.

The technology being utilized to improve the quality of life for the hearing impaired without having to deal with bulky, uncomfortable hearing aid devices. The designs are sleeker, more efficient, and utilize smartphone and Bluetooth technology.

So many people use their smartphones to get through each day; now hearing impaired individuals will be able to do many of the same things that hearing people can. The Bluetooth connection to the hearing device allows the hearing impaired individual to play music, hold conversations, and even video chat and watch movies on the smartphone.

The application that is downloaded to the smartphone gives the user the ability to adjust the sounds that the hearing aid device is picking up. The ability to filter out background noise that the microphone picks up helps improve the quality of sound and improves the ability to hear sounds that would otherwise be difficult to hear.

This hearing aid device can also be used in cars that are equipped with Bluetooth technology. This can help a hearing impaired driver do some of the things that they may not have previously been able to do easily. GPS instructions can be transmitted to the hearing device, phone calls can be made, and assistance from satellite assistance operators can clearly be heard.

Sadly, many business conventions do not provide ALS transcribers for their hearing impaired attendees. This can make it difficult, if not impossible to get everything out of the convention that should be received. The Bluetooth connection from the smartphone to the hearing aid device can make these conventions possible for the hearing impaired. The smartphone can be place near an audio speaker or near the podium and direct the sounds to the hearing aid device so the message can clearly be heard.

Technology is growing by the day. Fortunately, many companies focus on improving the lives of the many disabled people around the world. To learn more about the latest technology used to assist the hearing impaired, talk with your local hearing aid counselor.
