A periodontist is a great resource, mostly because of the many ways in which he or she can help you. This type of dentist has additional training in order to allow him or her to deal with severe oral issues and more complicated issues than a traditional dentist. Two reasons to see a periodontist are for gum and dental implant issues.
Gum Issues
The most common issues that a periodontist will deal with are gum issues and inflammation. A few signs that you are experiencing gum issues that require a periodontist's attention are severe bad breath despite good oral hygiene, pain in your gums, or swollen gums.
In addition, you will definitely want to see a periodontist if you are experiencing bleeding when you brush your teeth. This is very important because your teeth should never begin bleeding as a result of brushing your teeth.
One way that a periodontist can help you deal with gum issues is by providing a deep cleaning of your gums. This type of cleaning is typically more intense than a traditional cleaning provided by your dentist, and will often require anesthesia. This type of cleaning is beneficial because it can prevent gum disease, and it also allows the periodontist to inspect your gums and find any potential issues before they get worse.
In addition, It is very important that you see your periodontist for any gum issues because of the problems that gum issues can lead to. For example, if gum issues are allowed to persist you can end up with loose teeth, or even lose some of your teeth.
Dental Implant Issues
A periodontist is also a great resource if you have dental implants, mostly because of how integrated implants are with your gums. One way in which a periodontist can help you with your implants is by performing cleaning and maintenance. Dental implants need to be cleaned on a regular basis, and simply brushing your teeth will not be sufficient.
Another way that a periodontist can help you with your implants is by making sure that they are tight. Loose implants can be quite uncomfortable, and can lead to swollen gums and inflammation. In addition, a loose dental implant can affect any neighboring teeth, while also making it uncomfortable to eat properly.
Speak to a periodontist today at places like Periodontal Specialists in order to discuss how he or she can help you. A periodontist can help you diagnose and treat issues with both dental implants and your gums.