3 Things To Do To Avoid Getting Your Braces Back On

If you have gone through the process of wearing braces, you know that it is well worth it and that the end results are amazing. However, you likely don't want to have your braces put back on if you don't have to. It is important that you do certain things to care for your teeth, and also watch for certain signs, once you get your braces off to ensure that you don't have to get your braces back on. This article will discuss 3 things that you need to do to avoid getting your braces back on. 

Wear Your Retainer

You are given a retainer that is custom fit to your mouth for a very important reason, so you need to make sure that you wear it regularly. This retainer will be responsible for keeping your teeth in place, when your braces are no longer there to keep them in perfect alignment. A lot of orthodontists request that you wear your retainer all of the time for the first 6 months after getting your braces. This is because your teeth are still very likely to move at this time, and wearing your retainer all of the time will help to cement them into place. After this 6 months has passed, you can then go down to wearing your retainer only at night time. However, some patients whose teeth may not be as likely to move out of place will only be required to wear their retainer all day for about a week, and then they can go to nightly wear. 

Visit Your Orthodontist If You Have Teeth Pulled

If you need to have one or more teeth pulled, it is very important that you visit your orthodontist after this happens. This is so important because there will now be an open space in your mouth that your teeth will likely shift to try and fill. When this happens, your teeth may move out of place, and start to turn and become crooked again. If you visit with your orthodontist right when this tooth is pulled, they may be able to help you fix this gap by putting braces on a couple of teeth, instead of having to have a full mouth of braces again. 

Examine Your Teeth When Brushing And Flossing

When you brush and floss your teeth each morning and night, be sure to examine them briefly. Make sure that your teeth are straight and in proper alignment, and check to make sure that your bite is also as it should be. When flossing, check for any spaces between your teeth that either seem tighter or wider than they have in the past. If you notice any of these things, make an appointment with your orthodontist like one from Oasis Orthodontics to have your teeth examined. 
