A Few Reasons Your Eyeglasses May Be Causing You Headaches

While it is true that wearing glasses is often the thing that stops you from getting headaches, it can also be the cause of your headaches. If you have been suffering with headaches a lot lately, make a note of if you are wearing your glasses or not when the pain starts. You should also note what you are doing and the type of lighting. Here are some reasons your eyeglasses may be the cause of your pain.

Wrong Prescription

If you just got a new pair of glasses, the prescription could be off enough to cause eye strain. Take your glasses in for a checkup. Your eye doctor will give you another eye exam, both without your glasses and with them. If you have been wearing the same pair of glasses for a few years, it might be time for a new prescription, again, get an eye exam. Another cause could be that you are wearing an old pair of glasses because the new ones broke. Get the new ones fixed and see if the problem is solved. If not, see the eye doctor.

Weight of the Glasses

Eyeglasses put pressure on your face. Specifically on your nose and sinus area. If you suffer with sinus headaches, try taking your glasses off to see if the pain subsides. You may need to get a pair of lighter glasses to stop the pain. You could also try different nose pieces to see if that will distribute the weight differently.


A flickering light, especially one that is fluorescent, can give you a headache. This is even truer when the flickering glares off your glasses. The same thing can happen when you are working in front of a computer all day. To help alleviate this, put an anti-glare screen on your computer or have your lenses tinted with an anti-glare material.


Watching television in the dark, sitting at a computer, or playing outside in the sun can all cause glare which will cause eyestrain and give you a headache. If you notice that your headache flares up during an activity, take off your glasses for a while. If you can continue the activity, note if the headache stays gone. You may have your eyeglasses treated with anti-glare and anti-reflective coatings, or perhaps wear a pair of protective goggles over them.

Eyestrain is a major cause of headaches. Whether it is due to the prescription or some type of glare on your glasses, you should not have to suffer with the pain. If the pain subsides when you take your glasses off, it is time to determine how they can be corrected to stop the problem. The best option is to take the glasses, visit the eye doctor and see how he or she can fix things. Even if it means you need to buy a different style of glasses or get new lenses, the relief you feel will be well worth it.

To learn more, contact a company like Cohen's Fashion Optical
