5 Tips For Helping A Family Member With Mobility Issues

If your elderly family member has limited mobility, life can be extra tough on him. He will have trouble doing tasks that were once easy, such as going for a walk or grocery shopping. However, with a few changes, you can help your elderly loved one become more independent and happy. Here are five helpful tips for helping a family member with mobility issues:

Make Sure the Home Is Fall Proof

One of the first things you should do is ensure your family member's home is fall proof. Walk around the home and remove clutter from the floors and get rid of flimsy rugs. It may also be a good idea to install grab bars in the bathtub and enhance lighting around staircases.

Purchase Mobility Aides

Fortunately, there have been many advances in mobility aides in recent years. Purchasing one or two of these aides for your loved one can make his life a lot easier. For example, you could buy your family member a cane to walk around with or transfer boards to help him get in and out of bed easier.

Suggest a Support Group

Mobility issues can bring on a lot of sadness and stress in your loved one. It can help to join a support group where he can be around others who share his daily struggles. Encourage your family member to join a local support group so that he will feel less alone in the world.

Help Your Family Member Participate in Social Events

If your elderly loved one has mobility issues, it will be much more difficult for him to see his friends and be social. Encourage him to invite his friends over for dinner more often and offer to drive him to social events, such as Bingo. 

Hire a Home Health Aide

If you are unable to help your loved one all the time, you may want to think about hiring a home health aide. This person can come to your family member's house every day to help with tasks he can't do on his own, such as grocery shopping or doing laundry. 

It can be difficult to watch someone you care about struggle with mobility issues. While you may not be able to help him regain mobility, you can make the situation less painful. Always be there when your family member needs to talk and be willing to lend a helping hand.

For more information, talk to a professional like Staff Mates Homecare.
