Is Your Child Constantly Struggling With A Stuffy Nose? Possible Causes

When you have a child that seems to always have a stuffy nose and trouble with congestion and facial discomfort, you may feel as though you are at your wits' end. After all, most stuffy noses are associated with acute health problems like the common cold or the flu and when your child is chronically uncomfortable, it can be quite unnerving. Get to know some of the potential causes of your child's perpetually stuffy nose so you can be sure you are doing all that you can to get them the care and treatment they need to feel better as soon as possible. 

(Not So) Seasonal Allergies

If your child is stuffed up all year long and has difficulties with their sinuses in general, they may have severe seasonal allergies. These allergies, because they are affecting them year round may not seem so seasonal in nature, but the reality may be that your child has what are known as spring/summer allergies as well as fall/winter allergies.

Fall/winter allergies are often not as well recognized because pollen allergies in spring are so much more commonly discussed. However, people can be allergic to dust, dust mites, pet dander, mold, smoke, and a wide variety of other indoor substances. These allergy symptoms become worse in the winter because people tend to spend more time indoors during the winter months. 

To find out if your child's congestion issues are due to allergies, you will need to take them in for allergy testing. This is a simple skin test that involves several concentrated serums of allergens and a tiny little pin prick on the skin. After a few moments, anything your child was allergic to will have caused a small bump on their skin. The doctor will then recommend the right treatments to help your child including daily medications, allergy shots, and other therapeutic options to help relieve their symptoms. 

Nasal Polyps

Some people, including children, can develop what are known as polyps in their nasal passages. Polyps are small bump-like growths on the mucous membranes of the body. They are usually benign (non-cancerous), but in the nasal passageways, they can cause blockages that make congestion, infections, and other issues both more likely and long-lasting. 

Nasal polyps are surgically removable, though. Your child would need to get scans such as CTs or MRIs performed to rule out other issues and to identify polyps in their nasal cavity. Then, an ENT (ear, nose, and throat specialist) would be able to perform a sinus and nasal surgery to remove the polyps, freeing up your child's airways. 

With these possible causes of your child's constantly stuffy nose in mind, you can be sure you take them to the doctor, such as at Dino Peds, and find out what exactly is causing their health issues. 
