When your body experiences high levels of stress, a variety of health problems can occur. In fact, an increased risk of chronic kidney disease or CKD is linked to sustained levels of high stress. If you are experiencing too much stress lately, you need to talk to a kidney failure treatment specialist to learn more about whether or not you are at risk of developing this disease.
Stress Can Cause Serious Blood Pressure Problems
Stress is one of those problems that is hard to manage and which is very dangerous for your body. For example, it can cause a severe increase in your blood pressure and your heart rate that can last for hours or even days after your initial stress hits. As you can imagine, high levels of blood pressure are not good for your body. And they are directly responsible for your increased risk of CKD.
How High Blood Pressure Leads To Chronic Kidney Disease
High blood pressure is going to do a lot of damage to your body if it is left untreated. One of the worst problems it can cause is issues with your kidney. These issues occur because the excessive pressure of the blood flowing through your kidneys damages its interior and exterior tissues.
This tissue damage can make it more difficult for your kidney to filter waste material from your body and can trigger other health problems. If it causes chronic kidney disease, you are going to be in a very tough situation that is hard to manage. Thankfully, it is possible to treat this issue properly.
Treating This Problem
The first step you need to take in managing this problem is to lower your blood pressure. Eating healthier foods, exercising more regularly, and managing your stress should help out here. In this way, you can minimize the damage that has already impacted your kidney and let it get reversed.
To manage your kidney disease, dialysis may be necessary for a short or even lengthy period. This treatment method will eliminate waste from your body and take some of the pressure off of your kidney. Hopefully, this can kick it out of CKD and help you recover fully.
If it does not, surgery may be necessary to either remove or replace your kidney. Doing so is important because your kidneys are vital to keeping you healthy. Talk to a kidney disease therapist about this issue to learn more and to get the high-quality treatment you need to be healthy.