If you think you need hearing aids, now's the time to see a hearing specialist. If you plan to buy over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids, you should rethink that decision. This is especially important if you've never worn hearing aids before. For your first set of hearing aids, you should start with a hearing specialist. That way, your doctor can walk you through the process. If you're sure why you need to take that approach, read the list provided below. Here are four reasons why you should see a hearing specialist for your first hearing aid.
Screen for Hearing Deficits
If you haven't had your hearing loss diagnosed, now's the time to schedule an appointment. You might not realize this, but there are four different types of hearing loss. Those include sensorineural, conductive, mixed, and auditory neuropathy spectrum disorders. Each type of hearing loss requires a different type of treatment. Before you buy a hearing aid, you need to know what type of hearing loss you've experienced. A hearing specialist can give you a screening to identify your type of hearing loss.
Get the Right Hearing Aids
If you need hearing aids, start with a trip to the doctor. Without medical advice, you might get the wrong type of hearing aids. If you're like most people, you don't know that there are four different types of hearing aids. Those types include behind-the-ear, in-the-ear, in-the-canal, and receiver-in-the-canal. Each type of hearing aid is designed for specific hearing deficits. A hearing specialist can help you choose the hearing aids that are right for you.
Avoid Issues with Volume
If you're buying your first set of hearing aids, visit a hearing specialist first. Hearing aids have different volume settings. When you buy OTC hearing aids, you get factory settings for the volume. When you go through a hearing specialist, they'll adjust the volume for you. That way, you can hear what's going on around you. Best of all, you can go to your hearing specialist whenever your hearing aids need adjusting
Ensure a Proper Fit
If you're going to buy your first set of hearing aids OTC, you need to worry about the fit. OTC hearing aids are designed for one-size-fits-all. Unfortunately, that means you might not get the fit you need. A hearing specialist will make sure you get a custom fit for your hearing aids. That way, you know what size you need for your next purchase.