Problems With Your Hearing? Why You See A Hearing Specialist For Your Hearing Aids

If you think you need hearing aids, now's the time to see a hearing specialist. If you plan to buy over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids, you should rethink that decision. This is especially important if you've never worn hearing aids before. For your first set of hearing aids, you should start with a hearing specialist. That way, your doctor can walk you through the process. If you're sure why you need to take that approach, read the list provided below.

COVID-19 Testing In The Workplace: What Are Your Options For Periodic Testing?

A COVID-19 outbreak in your workplace can be a serious disruption to your business operations. When several employees call out of work because they're ill, you may have trouble meeting project deadlines or serving clients.  One way that you can minimize the risk of your workplace being disrupted by COVID-19 is to perform periodic testing on your employees. Employees who test positive for COVID-19 should stay home from work to prevent them from spreading the virus around your business.

Caring for Yourself after Recovering from COVID-19

Recovering from COVID-19 is quite a relief. This disease can be serious, so knowing that you've cleared the infection and are COVID-free can ease a lot of your anxiety. However, you should not stop caring for and treating your body as soon as you test negative for COVID-19. Since this illness can have lasting symptoms and side effects, it can be helpful to continue therapies and treatments for a few weeks afterward.

4 Reasons To Call Your Gastroenterologist

Do you need to see a gastroenterologist? You may have stomach symptoms—and might not be sure which type of doctor to call. Take a look at the top gastrointestinal (GI) issues that could require treatment from a specialist. Unexplained Bleeding Rectal bleeding is a symptom you should never ignore. This surprising—or sometimes even shocking—symptom may have a few different potential causes. Some causes of rectal bleeding, such as hemorrhoids or an anal cut/fissure, aren't typically serious.

Is A Med Spa For You? What You Should Know

If you want to rejuvenate your skin but want to avoid any type of surgical treatment, a medical spa may be for you. A med spa is a medical center that is also a day spa that provides medically supervised aesthetic services. Here are some things you need to know if you are thinking about going to a med spa: What Do You Need to Check For? Medical spas must have a licensed practitioner on site to not only administer the treatments, but also to act in a supervisory role.